Tipsy Topsy's Triumphs 'N Tears

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sleep Talk

At 9:30 p.m. one night, I smsed a 'Good Night' to a friend. In the morning I woke up to recall that I had received a call from this person (verified by the call register in my phone) and had also later read an sms sent by him. Unfortunately, I had no clue as to what had been the content of either of these! I looked up the sms and it was just a harmless one which made a dig at me.

I called him up. He just laughed and refused to tell me what we had talked about on the phone. I smsed him saying he was horrible and mean. He replied saying that he was mean and "boy! u sure say shocking things in your sleep!"

In the evening I fell unwell and he took pity on my condition and told me what had transpired. This is what had happened:

He had replied to my sms with a witty sms at 10:30. He later felt that what he had written might have offended me and called to apologise.

He: Hello.
Me: (in a very very sleepy voice) Hellllloh
He: Sorry if the sms I sent was rude.
Me: Gooood Nighhhht
He: Huh?
Me: Gooood Nighhhht

According to him, I said good night another couple of times .

It was hilarious to hear him imitate me and he chided me for trying so hard to put him to sleep. Now he ends every conversation with me with a good night.

If the person concerned leaves a comment which suggests that this is NOT what had actually happened, he will be DEAD even before he can say 'good night'! :P


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